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Stories of Florentine Chianti between past and present

Chianti is an ancient territory and is rich in places which tell its millenary history. The Etruscans established themselves on these rolling hills and introduced olive trees and vines. From the Middle Ages onwards large noble families invested in these agricultural productions, renewing them and transforming the concept of wine. Chianti Classico and the most famous of Super Tuscans, Tiganello, are born here! During the excursion we’ll visit an Etruscan archaeological site which will tell us about the tight bond between this people and nature, we’ll see old churches and fortified castles positioned on ancient pathways, but also villas, old farms and vineyards of historical families like the Guicciardini and Antinori.

What to bring:
– trekking shoes
– comfortable apparel
– backpack
– water (at least 1 litre per person)
– snack
– cap
– sun cream

Trekking Tour
Where: San Casciano in Val di Pesa (Florence)
Duration: about 4 hours
Length: 10 kilometres
Total elevation: ± 500 metres
Type of route: ring route on dirt tracks, country lanes, asphalt roads and paths with irregular surfaces
Difficulty: medium

To this tour you can add:
– Wine tasting and sampling of local products



Do you have some questions? We can talk about them together.
We can prepare a PERSONALIZED TOUR
based on your requirements.

+39 349 6034218 (on whatsapp too)